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Embark on or pursue your French journey and bring more éclat to your career and social life
Embarquez pour un voyage en français et allez plus loin dans votre vie personnelle et professionnelle

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Standard Courses - Once a week

So you’ve decided you’d like to learn French. You’re an absolute beginner, and don’t know where to start. Elementary 1 is the course for you! This course serves as a bienvenue to the French language. Throughout this course, you will discover the beauty of the French language, and cover the basics, such as introducing yourself and others (Bonjour, je m’appelle Jean), spelling and counting (un, deux, trois…), and general greetings and politeness (Salut, s’il vous plait, merci beaucoup). You’ll also learn how to ask a question, how to communicate, and explain why you are learning French.
This course is designed for complete beginners of French, and no prior knowledge is necessary. After completing this course, you cancontinue your French journey and move on to Elementary 2!
Required textbook: Cosmopolite 1
Recommended book: Grammaire Progressive - Debutant complet (+ Answer book)

Pace: 2 hours per week over 10 weeks


Standard Courses - Once a week

You’ve come so far and you’ve almost completed all the Upper Elementary courses! This course focuses on various aspects of daily life. You will learn how to use the imparfait to make a suggestion (Si on allait au musée ce week-end?), you’ll talk about a successful experience, as well as hygiene products and cosmetics (Si tu n’aimes pas ton shampooing, tu peux prendre le mien). You’ll also talk about the past and practice describing a memory (Quand j’étais enfant, j’avais une passion pour la langue française), understanding stories in the past with temporal markers (Avant d’être un magasin de luxe, c’était un simple marché). Finally, you’ll learn to express cause and consequence to justify an argument (C’est grâce à l’éducation que le monde peut s’améliorer).
This course is designed for students who have completed Upper Elementary 4 or who have been assessed prior to enrolling.
Required textbook: Cosmopolite 2
Recommended book: Grammaire Progressive - Intermediaire (+ Answer book)

Pace: 2 hours per week over 10 weeks


Standard Courses - Once a week

In this course, you will discuss traditional and online media and take a look at fake news. You will analyse the front page of a magazine (Que pensez-vous du thème choisi?), compare media (connaissez-vous les médias participatifs?), identify and analyse misinformation (vrai ou faux?), and learn how to gain the attention of an audience (nous nous mettons en scène) by explaining and arguing your opinion. 
This course is designed for students who have completed Intermediate 5 or who have been assessed prior to enrolling.
Required textbook: Cosmopolite 3
Recommended textbook: Grammaire Progressive - Intermediaire (+ Answer book)

Pace: 2.5 hours per week over 10 weeks

Learn French with the News - B1 - with Angeline

Standard Courses - Once a week

Learn French with France’s number one news source!

In this interactive media course, you will improve your listening, conversation, and writing skills by watching news clips from TV5MONDE, the leading French TV channel in the world. This course is perfect for you if you would like to discover French-speaking media and boost your language skills using real-world sources. You will explore topics such as current events, history, pop culture, and more, all while sharpening your French.

In class, we’ll address questions such as:

  • How do French media portray world events?
  • What are the sentence structures and grammatical points used in news excerpts?
  • How can you use these linguistic topics to improve your speaking skills?

Pace: 1.5 hours per week over 10 weeks


Standard Courses - Once a week

At this point in your journey, you’re ready to dive deep into fascinating conversations! Focusing on the theme of society and social issues, Upper Intermediate 5 will help you express yourself in even more nuanced ways. You will discuss public health in different countries, and take a closer look at the use of gender in the French language. You’ll also practise using subjunctive clauses (Je suis contente que mon professeur m’ait bien expliqué le subjonctif!) as well as the passive voice (Le match a été annulé par le club de football). You’ll also discuss cultural phenomenons including politics and sports, and give nuanced comparisons (Les jeunes communiquent de plus en plus sur les réseaux sociaux).
This course is designed for students who have completed Upper Intermediate 4 or who have been assessed prior to enrolling.
Required textbook: Cosmopolite 4
Recommended textbook: Grammaire Progressive - Avancé (+ Answer book)

Pace: 2.5 hours per week over 10 weeks


Standard Courses - Once a week

In Upper Intermediate 7, you’ll be diving into conversations about the place of work in our lives, professional culture and careers. You’ll learn about the management practices of French companies, discuss comparisons with your own experience and learn the modes of communication specific to the professional context. You’ll differentiate between direct and indirect speech (On se connait bien / elle dit qu’ils se connaissent bien), as well as standard and familiar registers (Perdre un document / Paumer un document). You’ll practice double pronominalisation to avoid repetition (Vous est-il possible de me la faxer ?), play around with French homonyms (S’est, se, c’est, ses) and learn useful expressions for adding nuance to your point of view (pour autant; sinon… du moins…).
This course is designed for students who have completed Upper Intermediate 6 or who have been assessed prior to enrolling.
Required textbook: Cosmopolite 4
Recommended textbook: Grammaire progressive du Francais - Avance

Pace: 2 hours per week over 10 weeks
Online on Zoom
Monday   6pm ▸ 8pm
08 Jul 2024 ▸ 09 Sep 2024