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Embarquez pour un voyage en français et allez plus loin dans votre vie personnelle et professionnelle

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Les Tout-Petits - 18 months to 36 months


Les Tout-Petits

Kids - Standard Courses

This class is for children aged from 18 to 36 months, accompanied by a parent/carer. Meet other like-minded families and nurture your child’s communication and social skills, en français. Your tout-petit (toddler) will enjoy their first exposure to the French language through nursery rhymes, pictures and games. Parents/carers of all French levels (including no previous French) are welcome.

Pace: 45 minutes per week over 8 weeks

Les Petits - 3 to 6 years old


Les Petits 3 and 4yo

Kids - Standard Courses

This class is for 3 to 6 year old students. Les Petits learn French through a range of fun and playful activities such as games, songs, art and crafts. Each Session, they will also read two story books from L’Ecole des Loisirs and learn some related vocabulary (numbers, colours, animals, emotions, transport, musical instruments, etc.).

Pace: 1.25 hours per week over 8 weeks

Les Petits 3 to 6yo

Kids - Standard Courses

This class is for 3 to 6 year old students. Les Petits learn French through a range of fun and playful activities such as games, songs, art and crafts. Each Session, they will also read two story books from L’Ecole des Loisirs and learn some related vocabulary (numbers, colours, animals, emotions, transport, musical instruments, etc.).

Pace: 1.25 hours per week over 8 weeks

Les Petits 3 to 6yo WEST END STATE SCHOOL

Kids - Standard Courses

This class is for 3 to 6 year old students. Les Petits learn French through a range of fun and playful activities such as games, songs, art and crafts. Each Session, they will also read two story books from L’Ecole des Loisirs and learn some related vocabulary (numbers, colours, animals, emotions, transport, musical instruments, etc.).

Pace: 1.25 hours per week over 8 weeks

Les Petits 4 and 5yo

Kids - Standard Courses

This class is for 3 to 6 year old students. Les Petits learn French through a range of fun and playful activities such as games, songs, art and crafts. Each Session, they will also read two story books from L’Ecole des Loisirs and learn some related vocabulary (numbers, colours, animals, emotions, transport, musical instruments, etc.).

Pace: 1.25 hours per week over 8 weeks

Les Petits 5 and 6yo

Kids - Standard Courses

This class is for 3 to 6 year old students. Les Petits learn French through a range of fun and playful activities such as games, songs, art and crafts. Each Session, they will also read two story books from L’Ecole des Loisirs and learn some related vocabulary (numbers, colours, animals, emotions, transport, musical instruments, etc.).

Pace: 1.25 hours per week over 8 weeks

Les Frenchies - 6 to 7 yo

French speaking children 6 to 7 years old

Les Frenchies 6 to 7yo

Kids - Standard Courses

This class is for students who have had extensive exposure to the French language, either because they have attended a French speaking school or because they come from a French speaking family. With a focus on recognising sounds, reading and acquiring vocabulary, les Petits Frenchies will develop their knowledge of the French language through dictation, text comprehension, spelling and a whole range of activities. This class is equivalent to a CP level in France.

Pace: 1 hour per week over 8 weeks

Les Grands - 7 to 11 years old


Les Grands Basic 1

Kids - Standard Courses

General French course for 7 to 11 year old beginners with no French.
Prerequisite: None
Text required: Les Loustics 1 - Unit 1


  • Name, greet people, say goodbye
  • Count from 0-12
  • Ask for and tell your name and age
  • Describe an object by its colour and shape (first part)
  • Say what someone does
  • Learn a traditional song : 1,2,3 nous irons au bois
  • A French painting
  • A French monument

Pace: 1.25 hours per week over 8 weeks

Les Grands Basic 2

Kids - Standard Courses

General French course for 7 to 11 year old beginners with no French.
Prerequisite: 10 hours French or equivalent
Text required: Les Loustics 1 - Unit 2


  • Name school materials
  • Describe an object by its colour and position (2nd part)
  • Ask someone to lend you something.
  • Count from 13-20
  • Recite the days of the week
  • Say what you like out of the activities in the class
  • Say I like/ I don’t like
  • Say what activities you like to do in your lunchtime
  • The French alphabet
  • Rules of politeness

Pace: 1.25 hours per week over 8 weeks

Les Grands Basic 3

Kids - Standard Courses

General French course for 7 to 11 year old beginners with some French.
Prerequisite: 20 hours French or equivalent
Text required: Les Loustics 1 - Unit 3


  • Say where you live
  • Name the objects in the room
  • Say whether you have brothers or sisters
  • Talk about your immediate family
  • Name pets
  • Name ages
  • Tell the different types of homes
  • Describe a kid’s room
  • Sing traditional songs: Quand Fanny était un bébé, La Famille tortue
  • Name positions

Pace: 1.25 hours per week over 8 weeks


Kids - Standard Courses

General French course for 7 to 11 year old beginners with some French.
Prerequisite: 40 hours French or equivalent
Text required: Les Loustics 1 - Unit 5


  • Name different foods and kitchen utensils
  • Name some fruit
  • Name some drinks, say if you are thirsty
  • Name some foods, say if you are hungry
  • Express a preference or an opinion
  • Picnic
  • Learn a traditional song : Pomme, pêche, poire, abricot
  • Learn a French recipe : le gâteau au fromage blanc et aux fruits
  • Learn how to set the table

Pace: 1.25 hours per week over 8 weeks

Les Grands Basic 5

Kids - Standard Courses

General French course for 7 to 11 year old beginners with some French.
Prerequisite: 40 hours French or equivalent
Text required: Les Loustics 1 - Unit 5


  • Name different foods and kitchen utensils
  • Name some fruit
  • Name some drinks, say if you are thirsty
  • Name some foods, say if you are hungry
  • Express a preference or an opinion
  • Picnic
  • Learn a traditional song : Pomme, pêche, poire, abricot
  • Learn a French recipe : le gâteau au fromage blanc et aux fruits
  • Learn how to set the table

Pace: 1.25 hours per week over 8 weeks

Les Grands Elementary 3 WEST END STATE SCHOOL

Kids - Standard Courses

General French course for 7 to 11 year old beginners with 80 hours of French or more
Prerequisite: Advanced Beginners 2.
Text required: Les Loustics 2 - Unit 3


  • Name city landmarks
  • Find your bearings and give directions
  • Name shops
  • Know about French money
  • Buy something in a shop
  • Learn about road rules
  • European currency
  • Learn a traditional poem: L’ecole de Jacques Charpentreau
  • Read more comics

Pace: 1.25 hours per week over 8 weeks

Les Grands Elementary 3

Kids - Standard Courses

General French course for 7 to 11 year old beginners with 80 hours of French or more
Prerequisite: Advanced Beginners 2.
Text required: Les Loustics 2 - Unit 3


  • Name city landmarks
  • Find your bearings and give directions
  • Name shops
  • Know about French money
  • Buy something in a shop
  • Learn about road rules
  • European currency
  • Learn a traditional poem: L’ecole de Jacques Charpentreau
  • Read more comics

Pace: 1.25 hours per week over 8 weeks

Les Grands Elementary 4

Kids - Standard Courses

General French course for 7 to 11 year old beginners with 90 hours of French or more
Prerequisite: Elementary 3
Text required: Les Loustics 2 - Unit 4


  • Name zoo and farm animals
  • Learn expressions involving animals
  • Say the animal body parts
  • Learn farm produce
  • Get to know a French composer
  • Discover a funny comic: Le coq et l'agneau
  • Sing a traditional song: Le fermier dans son pré
  • Learn to respect differences

Pace: 1.25 hours per week over 8 weeks

Les Grands Elementary 5

Kids - Standard Courses

General French course for 7 to 11 year old beginners with 100 hours of French or more
Prerequisite: Elementary 4
Text required: Les Loustics 2 - Unit 5


  • Tell about your daily activities
  • Name sport and musical activities
  • Say what to do on the weekend
  • Name the things we need
  • Talk about collections
  • Discover magazines for young people

Pace: 1.25 hours per week over 8 weeks

Les Grands Upper Elementary 1

Kids - Standard Courses

General French course for 7 to 11 year old beginners with 120 hours of French or more
Prerequisite: Elementary 6
Text required: Les Loustics 3 - Unit 1


  • Talk about your destination and your origin
  • Describe people, make comparisons, state similarities  and differences
  • Count up to 1000
  • Vocabulary: the airport, description, mind maps, opposites
  • Conjugation: Present tense of the verbs to have, to be, to go and to come
  • Grammar: Comparative phrases
  • Phonetic: Phrases with homophones
  • Learn the way French kiss
  • Discover the world of the film maker Michel Ocelot: Azur et Asmar, Kirikou et la sorcière
  • SingTwo songs from Les Zuts : Aujourd’hui, c’est la rentrée / A chacun sa tête
  • Recite a poem : Inspection générale de Carl Norac
  • Make a mind map of the class

Pace: 1.25 hours per week over 8 weeks

Les Frenchies - 7 to 9 yo

French speaking children 7 to 9 years old

Les Frenchies 7 to 9yo

Kids - Standard Courses

This class is for students who have had extensive exposure to the French language, either because they have attended a French speaking school or because they come from a French speaking family. With a focus on recognising sounds, reading and acquiring vocabulary, les Moyens Frenchies will develop their knowledge of the French language through dictation, text comprehension, spelling and a whole range of activities. This class is equivalent to a CE1/2 level in France.

Pace: 1 hour per week over 8 weeks

Les Frenchies - 9 to 11 yo

French speaking children 9 to 11 years old

Les Frenchies 9 to 11yo

Kids - Standard Courses

This class is for students who have had extensive exposure to the French language, either because they have attended a French speaking school or because they come from a French speaking family. With a focus on reading and text comprehension, les Grands Frenchies learn conjugation and grammar including adjectives, adverbs and irregular verbs. This class is equivalent to a CM1/CM2 level in France.

Pace: 1 hour per week over 8 weeks