📣 SESSION 4 COURSES start Monday 30 September - Early Bird discount ends 23/09 - ENROL NOW!

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Alliance Française in West End

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Standard Courses - Once a week

Intermediate 1 is behind you, and now you’re well underway into the rest of the program! Intermediate 2 tackles many aspects of life administration, from health, to help, to grievances, to relocation. You’ll learn how to anticipate and deal with health problems (J’ai une douleur dans le bras gauche) and how to understand the formalities of life administration (Vous devez compléter ce formulaire et le remettre à la réception). You’ll also learn how to ask for help (Excusez-moi, comment est-ce que je prends ce bus?), how to write and understand a letter of complaint (Le service dans votre restaurant était terrible), and how to describe similarities and differences between a selection of things.
This course is designed for students who have completed Intermediate 1 or who have been assessed prior to enrolling.
Required textbook: Cosmopolite 3
Recommended textbook: Grammaire Progressive - Intermediaire (+ Answer book)

Pace: 2.5 hours per week over 10 weeks


Standard Courses - Once a week

You're well on your way in developing your intermediate skills, and now it's time to dive deep! Intermediate 3 is designed to help you form strong social connections in French and gain a greater appreciation of cultural differences. You'll learn to talk about hobbies and suggest outings (Et si on allait voir un spectacle?), express agreement and disagreement (Je ne suis pas vraiment convaincue), and talk about familial events. You'll also learn about cultural differences and discover new customs (En Inde, les fêtes de mariage durent entre 3 et 5 jours!).
This course is designed for students who have completed Intermediate 2 or who have been assessed prior to enrolling.
Required textbook: Cosmopolite 3
Recommended textbook: Grammaire Progressive - Intermediaire (+ Answer book)

Pace: 2.5 hours per week over 10 weeks


Standard Courses - Once a week

You're going strong on your French journey so far, let's keep this momentum going! Intermediate 4 uses the theme of the environment and sustainability to explore new language structures and vocabulary. You will talk about sustainable development and community relationships (Comment se confronter aux problèmes de voisinage?), express approval and reservations (C’est une idée intelligente, mais difficile à mettre en place) and debate a controversial subject. You’ll also learn to discuss ecogestures (Je trie mes déchets) and convince someone to take action (Soyez le changement que vous voulez voir!).
This course is designed for students who have completed Intermediate 3 or who have been assessed prior to enrolling.
Required textbook: Cosmopolite 3
Recommended textbook: Grammaire Progressive - Intermediaire (+ Answer book)

Pace: 2.5 hours per week over 10 weeks


Standard Courses - Once a week

In Intermediate 5, it’s time to get down to business! This course focuses on the theme of study and work so you will be fully equipped to discuss your career in French. You’ll learn the terms for the different types of qualifications (un diplôme, une licence, un master), speak about your experience and career path (J’ai un long parcours). You’ll also be able to express your motivations (Il est très important pour moi de mettre en pratique mes connaissances) as well as give and understand advice (Il faut être positif et motivé). You’ll evaluate your own personal and professional skills (Je fais un bilan de compétences, en prenant en compte toutes mes expériences).
This course is designed for students who have completed Intermediate 4 or who have been assessed prior to enrolling.
Required textbook: Cosmopolite 3
Recommended textbook: Grammaire Progressive - Intermediaire (+ Answer book)

Pace: 2.5 hours per week over 10 weeks