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Les Grands Basic 1
General French course for 7 to 11 year old beginners with no French.
Prerequisite: None
Text required: Les Loustics 1 - Unit 1
- Name, greet people, say goodbye
- Count from 0-12
- Ask for and tell your name and age
- Describe an object by its colour and shape (first part)
- Say what someone does
- Learn a traditional song : 1,2,3 nous irons au bois
- A French painting
- A French monument
Pace: 1.25 hours per week over 8 weeks
Les Grands Basic 2
General French course for 7 to 11 year old beginners with no French.
Prerequisite: 10 hours French or equivalent
Text required: Les Loustics 1 - Unit 2
- Name school materials
- Describe an object by its colour and position (2nd part)
- Ask someone to lend you something.
- Count from 13-20
- Recite the days of the week
- Say what you like out of the activities in the class
- Say I like/ I don’t like
- Say what activities you like to do in your lunchtime
- The French alphabet
- Rules of politeness
Pace: 1.25 hours per week over 8 weeks
Les Grands Basic 3
General French course for 7 to 11 year old beginners with some French.
Prerequisite: 20 hours French or equivalent
Text required: Les Loustics 1 - Unit 3
- Say where you live
- Name the objects in the room
- Say whether you have brothers or sisters
- Talk about your immediate family
- Name pets
- Name ages
- Tell the different types of homes
- Describe a kid’s room
- Sing traditional songs: Quand Fanny était un bébé, La Famille tortue
- Name positions
Pace: 1.25 hours per week over 8 weeks
General French course for 7 to 11 year old beginners with some French.
Prerequisite: 40 hours French or equivalent
Text required: Les Loustics 1 - Unit 5
- Name different foods and kitchen utensils
- Name some fruit
- Name some drinks, say if you are thirsty
- Name some foods, say if you are hungry
- Express a preference or an opinion
- Picnic
- Learn a traditional song : Pomme, pêche, poire, abricot
- Learn a French recipe : le gâteau au fromage blanc et aux fruits
- Learn how to set the table
Pace: 1.25 hours per week over 8 weeks
Les Grands Basic 5
General French course for 7 to 11 year old beginners with some French.
Prerequisite: 40 hours French or equivalent
Text required: Les Loustics 1 - Unit 5
- Name different foods and kitchen utensils
- Name some fruit
- Name some drinks, say if you are thirsty
- Name some foods, say if you are hungry
- Express a preference or an opinion
- Picnic
- Learn a traditional song : Pomme, pêche, poire, abricot
- Learn a French recipe : le gâteau au fromage blanc et aux fruits
- Learn how to set the table
Pace: 1.25 hours per week over 8 weeks
Les Grands Elementary 3 WEST END STATE SCHOOL
General French course for 7 to 11 year old beginners with 80 hours of French or more
Prerequisite: Advanced Beginners 2.
Text required: Les Loustics 2 - Unit 3
- Name city landmarks
- Find your bearings and give directions
- Name shops
- Know about French money
- Buy something in a shop
- Learn about road rules
- European currency
- Learn a traditional poem: L’ecole de Jacques Charpentreau
- Read more comics
Pace: 1.25 hours per week over 8 weeks
Les Grands Elementary 3
General French course for 7 to 11 year old beginners with 80 hours of French or more
Prerequisite: Advanced Beginners 2.
Text required: Les Loustics 2 - Unit 3
- Name city landmarks
- Find your bearings and give directions
- Name shops
- Know about French money
- Buy something in a shop
- Learn about road rules
- European currency
- Learn a traditional poem: L’ecole de Jacques Charpentreau
- Read more comics
Pace: 1.25 hours per week over 8 weeks
Les Grands Elementary 4
General French course for 7 to 11 year old beginners with 90 hours of French or more
Prerequisite: Elementary 3
Text required: Les Loustics 2 - Unit 4
- Name zoo and farm animals
- Learn expressions involving animals
- Say the animal body parts
- Learn farm produce
- Get to know a French composer
- Discover a funny comic: Le coq et l'agneau
- Sing a traditional song: Le fermier dans son pré
- Learn to respect differences
Pace: 1.25 hours per week over 8 weeks
Les Grands Elementary 5
General French course for 7 to 11 year old beginners with 100 hours of French or more
Prerequisite: Elementary 4
Text required: Les Loustics 2 - Unit 5
- Tell about your daily activities
- Name sport and musical activities
- Say what to do on the weekend
- Name the things we need
- Talk about collections
- Discover magazines for young people
Pace: 1.25 hours per week over 8 weeks
Les Grands Upper Elementary 1
General French course for 7 to 11 year old beginners with 120 hours of French or more
Prerequisite: Elementary 6
Text required: Les Loustics 3 - Unit 1
- Talk about your destination and your origin
- Describe people, make comparisons, state similarities and differences
- Count up to 1000
- Vocabulary: the airport, description, mind maps, opposites
- Conjugation: Present tense of the verbs to have, to be, to go and to come
- Grammar: Comparative phrases
- Phonetic: Phrases with homophones
- Learn the way French kiss
- Discover the world of the film maker Michel Ocelot: Azur et Asmar, Kirikou et la sorcière
- SingTwo songs from Les Zuts : Aujourd’hui, c’est la rentrée / A chacun sa tête
- Recite a poem : Inspection générale de Carl Norac
- Make a mind map of the class
Pace: 1.25 hours per week over 8 weeks